Season one of the series “Imposters” premiered last year on Bravo, but if you missed it, go to Netflix right away to experience a well written, ensemble/comedy/drama. It’s the story of Maddie, a female con artist who takes on different identities, loves, marries, then leaves her rich victims both broke and broken hearted. When this happens to Ezra, he joins forces with Richard to find Maddie and bring her to justice.
As they follow leads, they wind up taking a path similar to Maddie—stealing wallets and running cons to keep their cross country road trip funded. Just when they think they’ve found her in Seattle, a third abandoned victim, Jules is there and SHE insists on joining them on their quest. As Maddie and her team begin to work on their next victim (working as his administrative assistant) —she finds herself falling in love with an outlier—which causes her boss, “The Doctor” to send Lenny Cohen, an enforcer (well played by Uma Thurman) to keep her focused—or else.
The cast is strong—a mixture of familiar talent (Brian Benben, Uma Thurman, Mary Kay Place to name a few) and the young trio: Inbar Lavi is the seductive “Maddie”, Rob Heaps is the heart broken “Ezra”, Parker Young plays the studly “Richard” and Marianne Rendon plays the strong willed “Jules”.
The writers do a great job of showing us how Maddie met her three victims via flashbacks. Over the course of the season, we begin to sympathize for her as she finds love for the first time. I highly recommend this show—and season two begins May 3rd on Bravo.
- Vera J. Brooks